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Blue Skies

Robert Dickson
Family, Friends, Community

Westside Costa Mesa - the Westside is the Best Side!

Our Mission
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Family, friends and community along with personal freedom are what I value the most.  We all want a safe, clean and well managed city in which to live and raise our families.  I will be your voice in District 5. 


My wife and I are raising our children in Costa Mesa, my home of 29 years. We love Costa Mesa, where I have been active and invested in our community:


  • Chairman, Vice Chair and Commissioner Costa Mesa Planning Commission

  • Board Member, Secretary: Costa Mesa Community Athletic Foundation (Costa Mesa United)

  • Member, Victoria Elementary School Site Council 

  • Volunteer mentor, Estancia High School

  • Member, Redevelopment and Residential Rehabilitation (3R) Committee, City of Costa Mesa


As a legal professional specializing in environmental, land use and resource issues, I know what it takes to create opportunity, preserve jobs, problem solve, and battle government red tape.  Having chaired a city commission, I understand our municipal government and know how to make government run more like a business.  Practical solutions for real world problems.


I strongly believe that local government should be focused on local issues, accountable to the local community; not engaged in broad social or political experiments. Residents and business owners should make decisions for Costa Mesa, not Sacramento.  


As your council member, I will fight for you:


  • Protect your right to decide the future of YOUR community

  • Ensure we have “citizen driven” plans for common sense growth

  • Provide proactive services to tackle crime and keep our families safe

  • Develop realistic strategies for addressing our affordable housing and homelessness issues

  • Ensure that we are economically vibrant and prepared for the future

  • Govern for YOU, not special interests, or Sacramento.


I PLEDGE to represent YOU in making this city a great place to live for our families, friends, community and personal freedoms. 

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Family, friends and community along with personal freedom are what I value the most.  We all want a safe, clean and well managed city to live and raise our families. 

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